Can Probiotics Help Weight Loss and Improve Metabolism?

Can Probiotics Help Weight Loss and Improve Metabolism?

For many years now, there have been a lot of talk about the supposed health benefits of probiotics.


Every day now, we seem to see more and more new products that promise to introduce the daily recommended amounts of probiotics into your diet in a simple, and for some of them, an expensive way.


But are they really worth giving it a try?


Do probiotics really can enhance your overall health, focusing on your metabolism, and even inducing weight loss?


This article follows an investigation on the many supposed health benefits of probiotics, focusing on their ability to achieve weight loss and maintain a healthy metabolism.


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5 Reasons Why Your Thyroid and Metabolism Is Slow

5 Reasons Why Your Thyroid and Metabolism Is Slow

Your Thyroid is responsible for the hormones regulating your metabolism. It extracts iodine, as well as secondary nutrients such as tyrosine, from the bloodstream and produces the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). T3 and T4 are transported throughout the body where they control the body's metabolism, determining how many calories to convert to energy. If your body is feeling slow, if you're more tired than usual, or if you just don't feel like you used to, your thyroid might be the reason behind these problems.

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