Why Is Weight Loss So Difficult After Thyroid Removal?

Why Is Weight Loss So Difficult After Thyroid Removal?

If you are experiencing unintentional weight gain after thyroid removal, you are not alone.


Many people face this problem on a day-to-day basis. We often underestimate the tiny gland that is the thyroid and what it can do for us and our health.


 And so, we are surprised when we learn that thyroid removal leads to weight gain, among other health issues.


The question is – Why? And more importantly – What can we do to stop it?


Here are our tips on maintaining a healthy weight after thyroidectomy.


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Top Vitamins for Thyroid Health

Top Vitamins for Thyroid Health


The thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped organ set at the base of the neck, plays a big role in metabolism. It produces two vital hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These hormones ensure all the cells in the body function normally. They control metabolism and regulate important bodily functions like breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, body weight, and menstrual cycle. When your thyroid levels are unbalanced, your overall health is affected. Poor thyroid function is linked to several health conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, infertility, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune diseases. Many of these diseases can be prevented or eliminated by vitamins for thyroid health.

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