Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism Relationship to Blood Pressure
The thyroid has always played a big part in the growth and development of the human body. Without the regulation of the thyroid gland, the body would be out of sync, and the results would be detrimental to someone’s health and wellbeing. Even though the thyroid gland is very small, located just below the Adam’s Apple around the throat, it has a big responsibility. Its functionality helps secrete hormones that influence the temperature of the body, developmental growth, metabolism, and blood pressure.
Blood pressure is helpful in alerting medical personnel of a patients’ risk for hypertension. Hypertension may lead to pain in the chest and back, having a hard time breathing, weakness of the body, numbness, vision difficulties, and trouble speaking. If these symptoms continue to reveal themselves, a heart attack might be on the horizon.
Between the thyroid and blood pressure, they both share connections with one another that may show warning signs to a patient and their doctor.