High DHEA Levels and Weight Gain

High DHEA Levels and Weight Gain

Today we get to explore the effects, uses, and potential side-effects of the many popular DHEA supplements.


Popular for their anti-aging abilities, the DHEA supplements are commonly used to improve the lifestyle but also the physical and mental health against the effects that the normal aging process has on our bodies.


Let's dive into the most popular uses of DHEA supplements and find out if your unexplained weight gain is caused by the decline in DHEA production itself.


If so, can the DHEA supplements help you fight the weight gain, and how?


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How Does Thyroid Health Affect Menstrual/Period Cycles?

How Does Thyroid Health Affect Menstrual/Period Cycles?

The menstrual cycle is influenced by a number of factors that may explain why women’s periods are sometimes regular, but on other occasions are irregular.


Menstruation depends on overall health and hormonal balance. Many health problems that women experience can affect their periods, and thyroid conditions are no exception.


Throughout this article, we are going to focus on thyroid health and its impact on the menstrual cycle.


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Is Hypothyroidism Being Overmedicated and Overtreated?

Is Hypothyroidism Being Overmedicated and Overtreated?

Proper diagnosis and adequate treatment are crucial for the management of any disorder. Hypothyroidism is no exception.


However, as the number of patients with thyroid diseases are rapidly growing, doctors and hypothyroid patients are wondering whether they really have hypothyroidism... is it perhaps an over-diagnosed thyroid disorder?


In this article, we will explore whether hypothyroidism is being overtreated and why that could be a problem.


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Can Thyroid Hormone Levels Affect Breastfeeding?

Can Thyroid Hormone Levels Affect Breastfeeding?

Having thyroid issues is not ideal for any of us during any period in our lives, but it is especially not welcomed during periods in which people are pregnant or breastfeeding.


In the following article, we will explore the potential dangers that come with the most common thyroid issues and their impact on the ability to breastfeed your child.


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Losing Weight With Hashimoto’s Disease

Losing Weight With Hashimoto’s Disease

Almost two billion adults throughout the world are overweight1, each of them at a significantly increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. While some people are able to lose weight in a relatively short period of time, others tend to find it more difficult to shed excess pounds that they have gained.


This can be concerning and often leads to a person following one diet after the next – many of these diets often referred to as “fad” diets, requires a significant restriction in calories and can ultimately lead to problems like malnutrition.


When weight loss seems like a difficult challenge, it is important to consider underlying issues in the human body that may contribute to excessive weight gain and, of course, difficulty reducing body weight.


Hashimoto’s disease is an example of a condition that can cause weight gain and make a journey toward a healthier body weight seemingly impossible. With adequate knowledge of the condition, appropriate treatment, and an effective weight loss strategy that takes the condition into account, weight loss is certainly possible.


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Hypothyroidism and Anxiety

Hypothyroidism and Anxiety

The term anxiety refers to psychiatric disorders that involve extreme worry, fear, nervousness, and apprehension.


These disorders have a considerable impact on a patient’s quality of life.


Bearing in mind that psychological health is connected to physical health and wellbeing, in this article we’re going to explore the relationship between anxiety and hypothyroidism.

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